ஸ்ரீமதே ராமானுஜாய நம:
Sriman Narayaneeyam is the story of Lord Narayana. It was composed by Melpathur Narayana Bhattathri. It is a work consisting of 1034 slokas or verses, divided into 100 dasakams or chapters, each dasakam consisting of approximately 10 slokas. It is a condensed version of Srimad Bhagavata Purana, which consists of 18,000 slokas authored by Veda Vyasa. It is said that the work has the blessings of Lord Krishna or Guruvayoorappan,
Narayana Bhattathri describes Guruvayurappan as “Sammohanam Mohanal Kantham Kanthinidhanathopi, Madhuram Madhurya Dhuryadapi, Soundaryotharathopi Sundaratharam”
The ‘Parayana’ of Sriman Narayaneeyam is believed to possess the wonderful power of healing afflictions, both mental and physical, of the devotees.
Let us pronounce Sriman Narayaneeyam and chant the name of Lord Guruvayurappan!
It is said that Chanting the 11 slokas in 100th Dasakam is equivalent to chanting the complete Sriman Narayaneeyam. These slokas describe the bhagavan’s beautiful thirumeni.
Please download the 100th Dasakam slokam here – PDF document and Number of pages=4.
Download Sriman Narayanneyam 100th Dasam – READ
? Hari Om ?
Please play to listen to this 100th Dasam here. Duration is 6 minutes – LISTEN
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?Sri Guruvayurappan thiruvadikale charanam!?
Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya!